Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mas Poesia

I've just returned from an insanely amazing trip to Lake Tahoe. Highlights: Love. Yoga. Music. Sunshine. My souvenir:

Summer Hymn 

In the pyres of snow-worn rocks,
a simple alter presents itself:
Sun-warmed stoned, soft
blankets of moss, water falling
from who-knows-where,
from a winter 

What else is there?

What more is necessary to recognize 
the need for celebration?

Praise in the movement of the stream.
Praise in the birdsongs.
Praise in the too-blue sky and 
the green trees. 

And don't get me started on
the wildflowers--
the three brave ones
that grew, like a miracle,
from a crack in the rock. 
So small! So determined to live,
despite all that coarseness and

Each unlikely, vibrant petal
respiring softly,
as it rose towards light

Thank you,

thank you,

thank you,

thank you.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Life-speed ahead

The last month and a half has been an inspirational one, filled with many new opportunities to teach, to learn, to grow, and most importantly to love. Although I haven't been logging as many hours onto the computer, I have been writing. Here's a little taste of where I am now:

And Other Lightness
Rain hangs heavy
all day
until a great shift splits
clouds, and splinters of sun
break all of us wide open 
at four in the afternoon.

A silk ribbon of fog
slips like a veil 
across the eyes of evening--
scatters and refracts the glow 
from softly illumined windows.
Fireflies, like fallen constellations,
flashing in the hushed galaxies of grass,
circle in unseen orbits. 

An oven burns, and the
long work of turning 
love to nourishment creates space 
for ceremony in busy kitchens.

A common table transforms
into alter, with candles lit for communion, 
as gently emptied bellies are waiting 
to be filled.

The last trace of Day
drifts from her long post as guardian,
interrupting such stillness 
only to invite the stars 
into the subtle spread of night.

Later, in the quiet hours,
in the undeniable darkness,
with senses sharpened to all small miracles,
she sings and spins and asks and prays,

Is there anything but light?