Saturday, February 21, 2009

On love...

This morning, as I meditated on the beach, I began thinking about all of the people I love (and who love me in return), and I was moved to tears. Thus began a trend which has been following me all day-- blissed-out to the breaking point, the smallest suggestion is enough to inspire the waterworks to flow. I usually feel like I live a blessed life, but when I reflect on how much love is around me daily, it bursts my heart completely open.

I am also amazed by how many people in my life are themselves living in love. Some of my dearest friends are in relationships that are embodying love to the fullest. Their happiness and connection compounds my own experience of love, and brings me a deep sense of joy that is just beyond me.. hence the tears. All that energy has to go somewhere, I guess.

I think about my family members-- my parents, my brothers-- they are all blessed with full and loving relationships. Again, this is deeply inspiring. 

I recently received the news that my former partner, one of the major loves in my life, is getting married to a now major love in his life. I wish him so much happiness and can only express gratitude for his role in my life even now. 

I don't know what they put in the water here in Costa Rica, but everyone should have some. It would be the end of wars. 

To all of my loves, know that I'm sending you lots while I am away. Your presence in my life is beyond a blessing-- it's a miracle-- and one I am deeply grateful for.

Isn't love grand? 

(Yes, yes it is... now can someone hand me a tissue?)



  1. Just wanted to tell you that I love you. :)

  2. Ha! I meant to post that from my gmail account. However, I know John loves you, too. :)
